Purchase Conditions

Free Return

We offer 30 free return on your purchase. You can try out the product for 30 days. If you are not happy we pay the return shipping costs.


Hang Over will send a shipping label for return if we determine that it is possible to repair the product. You will receive a replacement product as soon as Hang Over received the faulty goods.


All Hang Over products have a 3-year warranty.


The prices include VAT. The currency is determined by the country you are surfing in. Currency cannot be changed. There is a low fixed shipping cost of 79 SEK/NOK and 9 EUR respectively.

Available payment methods vary by country. When surfing in Sweden and Norway the check out system Klarna is automatically started. Klarna check out offers Visa, MasterCard, American Express or invoice payment.

When surfing from other countries available methods are determined by the billing country that you choose on the check out screen. Right now we offer direct bank transfer and invoice with 30 days payment terms for all countries.


Your order leaves us the day after we receive your order. After this, shipping time is 2-3 day. Your parcel is delivered to your nearest service center.